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Committee Actions
Principle of the Rule: The Handicap Committee plays a vital role in the successful administration of a player’s Handicap Index and is equipped with tools to intervene when the calculated Handicap Index is no longer reflective of the player’s demonstrated ability. Used appropriately, these tools are designed to ensure that players are treated fairly and consistently from golf club to golf club. The Committee in charge of the competition also plays an important role in setting appropriate Terms of the Competition for all participating players.
Committee Actions

Resetting a Player’s Handicap Index by Adjusting the Most Recent 20 Score Differentials
Applying an adjustment to each of the most recent 20 Score Differentials in the player’s scoring record will ensure that the impact of the adjustment remains after the next score is submitted, gradually diluting as more scores are submitted. As an example, a player has a Handicap Index of 10.3 and the Handicap Committee decides to adjust this to 9.3 because recent scores suggest that the player is rapidly improving. Using this example, the Handicap Committee would apply a -1 adjustment to each of the most recent 20 Score Differentials and the impact of this adjustment on the final calculation is illustrated in the tables below:
Basis of Handicap Committee Applied Adjustment For a Player Impacted by Illness or Injury
The Handicap Committee may consider adjusting a player’s Handicap Index if their ability has been impacted by a prolonged period of ill health, injury or temporary disability. Such an adjustment can only be made after one or more acceptable scores have subsequently been submitted. In determining the level of any adjustment, the Handicap Committee should take into consideration the scores submitted compared to their previous Handicap Index and the nature and severity of the player’s condition. After a number of scores have been submitted and it becomes evident that the player’s condition has caused a permanent change to their ability, it may be appropriate to disregard the player’s scoring record and allocate a Handicap Index using only the scores submitted since the illness, injury or temporary disability occurred (see Rule 5.2a).