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Andre former for individuelt slagspill og matchspill
Formål: Regel 21 dekker fire andre former for individuelt spill, inkludert tre former for slagspill hvor score er annerledes enn vanlig slagspill: Stableford (score med poeng på hvert hull, Maksimum Score (scoren på hvert hull er begrenset oppad) og Par/bogey (metode for hull-for-hull score som i matchspill).
Andre former for individuelt slagspill og matchspill

Three-Ball matchspill

In Three-Ball Match Play Each Player Is Playing Two Distinct Matches
In Three-Ball match play, because each player is playing two distinct matches, situations may arise that affect one match but not the other. For example, Player A concedes the next stroke, a hole or the match to Player B. That concession has no effect on the match between Player A and Player C or the match between Player B and Player C.

Andre former for golfspill

Player May Compete in Multiple Stroke-Play Formats at Same Time
A player may compete simultaneously in multiple forms of stroke-play competitions, such as regular stroke playStablefordMaximum Score, and Par/Bogey.